Friday, March 25, 2011

Insult to Injury

Shortly after my last post I ended up at the Ortho to examine knee pain I was having. Turned out to be a very tight IT band, hamstring and hip flexors. He recommended physical therapy for 4 weeks (until after the marathon), primarily to help me get it all stretched out. I also realized that if I go to the chirpractor and get an adjustment before a long run, I have ZERO knee pain! My right hip keeps popping out of alignment, due to the too tight muscles mentioned above, which causes friction (pain) on my knee. If I get aligned, the run goes great. So, we're stretch, stretch, stretching right now and getting an adjustment every Friday before the Sat long run.

The very same day I saw the Ortho specialist (3/15) I hit a deer on the highway on my way home from work. It really did a number on my car, which just spent 10 days in the shop getting repaired. It was about a week before I started to notice any neck/upper back pain. And when I did, I figured it was just due to poor running form, since my knee/hip was wacky. Then I finally went to the chiropractor again today and upon first touching my back for an adjustment, said, "Wow, what happened? You have a pretty good case of whiplash."

Duh. He said it's normal for it to take some time to present itself after the initial injury. I guess I hit that poor deer pretty hard. So, the insult to injury is that I am also nursing the left side of my back and neck with ice/ibuprofen.

I've worked way too hard for way too long to not see the marathon through in 3 weeks. And with my doctor's permission, that is exactly what I intend to do! I'm not running for a PR. I am running to finish and have fun along the way....and I am healthy enough to do that.

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