Wednesday, February 16, 2011


For runners, you know when you see '13.1' and '26.2' stickers on a car that you have something in common with that person. It's kind of like seeing someone wearing your alma mater's sweatshirt. You throw them a thumbs up, smile, etc. It's probably something that non-runners will never get.

I ordered a '13.1' sticker the week before I ran my first half marathon. For some unknown reason, it never came. There were several excuses from the Amazon seller, including damaged in the mail, returned undeliverable, etc. I finally just gave up, because the correspondence wasn't worth the $3 I'd spent.

Fast forward 18 months and I find myself having finished my fourth half and training for my first full marathon. This magnet caught my eye and I decided it would be a good visual reminder/motivator for the next month when the long runs get tough (16, 18, 20).

And AFTER the marathon, it'll move from the fridge to the bumper, where I'll wear it with pride!


  1. this is cool...."runner girl" is mine and my sister's cheer we say to people we pass while we're driving....example: we see a girl running on the side of the road, we'll say "good job runner girl!" or "you go runner girl!" even though they can't hear us it's like we've bonded! of course we're no gender biased. we'll switch it up for guys too!
