Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I just realized I'm tracking to run 80+ miles in February. This got me wondering how many I did in January, so I did the math.


I guess there's something TO this marathon training!

<8 weeks to race day and only 6 long runs left!

We rocked an 8 mile "short run" tonight on hills. That feels awesome!

16 miles coming up Saturday....a new distance record.

I'm running more miles and my foot is hurting less. This means it's getting better, right? :D

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


For runners, you know when you see '13.1' and '26.2' stickers on a car that you have something in common with that person. It's kind of like seeing someone wearing your alma mater's sweatshirt. You throw them a thumbs up, smile, etc. It's probably something that non-runners will never get.

I ordered a '13.1' sticker the week before I ran my first half marathon. For some unknown reason, it never came. There were several excuses from the Amazon seller, including damaged in the mail, returned undeliverable, etc. I finally just gave up, because the correspondence wasn't worth the $3 I'd spent.

Fast forward 18 months and I find myself having finished my fourth half and training for my first full marathon. This magnet caught my eye and I decided it would be a good visual reminder/motivator for the next month when the long runs get tough (16, 18, 20).

And AFTER the marathon, it'll move from the fridge to the bumper, where I'll wear it with pride!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Half Way There

Last weekend I escaped Snowmageddon and met up with Christy to run the Surf City Half Marathon in Huntington Beach (on my way to SFO).

As you can see from this picture I took at the START line, there were shoulder-to-shoulder people. 16,000 runners participated in the Half and 30,000 runners total for all races. It was amazingly organized. They started us in pace groups, about 2 minutes apart.

One of my favorite features in this race was the pacers. You can see the 2:18 pace sign in the photo below. It was nice to know how you were pacing to finish the race, based on which pace sign you'd just run by (or in my case), which pace sign had just passed you!

I finished my last two Half marathons at 2:38 and 2:35. I had a lofty goal of 2:15 for this race. I don't know WHAT I was thinking! So, I kind of set myself up for disappointment by aiming so high.

This was a tough race for me, both physically and mentally. After mile 5 I was running the race one mile at a time. After mile 8 I set a goal to finish sub 2:30, which required that I not slow my pace in the last 5 miles more than 30 seconds per mile.

Here I am crossing the finish line at 2:27:21
(beating my personal record by 8 minutes)!

I was a little sore this week, so I took the week (M - F) off while I was in SFO. Yesterday I ran 15 miles, which is a distance record for me. A friend pointed out today that I am already MORE than half way to 26.2!

Look for me at the Oz Marathon in Olathe, KS on April 16th!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow Running

I ordered a pair of Yaktrax that were supposed to arrive today. Unfortunately, UPS took a weather break, so they haven't yet arrived.

They grip the snow/ice to give you traction while walking or running.I ordered a pair for me AND a pair for Jimmie. I'll circle back after I've tried them with a review.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Surf City USA!

Huntington Beach, lend me some sunshine so I
can get out of Snowmageddon on Friday.

I have big plans to beat my Half Marathon PR this weekend!

Rearranging to Run

Do you ever reschedule your plans to accommodate a run?

I'm less than a week out from the Surf City Half Marathon...and less than a day out from what is shaping up to be a storm of epic proportion in 29 states.

I realized this morning that today would be the only possibility for an outdoor run this week, because we'll soon be covered in ice (1 - 1.5") and snow (10 - 14") that will remain frozen for days. I had a nail appointment scheduled over my lunch hour today. I didn't even think twice about changing it to 5pm so I could squeeze in a lunch run.

It was awesome. 3.25 miles at 10K pace. It was very empowering. I felt like I was beating the storm, as the temps were dropping and the air became misty and wet. Knowing it would be the last real run before race day made it all the more enjoyable.